Black Beauty

The classic story by Anna Sewell, adapted for children aged 9 and above.

One of the most popular novels of all time, Black Beauty is the story of a horse—told by the horse himself! Beauty is a fine black horse of high breeding. At first he has an ideal life, living on an English farm as a happy young horse with freedom to run and play, then as a well loved carriage-horse. But when tragedy strikes his owners he must be sold, and his life takes a turn for the worse.

Now Beauty must learn to bear all manner of hardships, from cruel owners to sad partings from friends; from pulling carriages with the reins strapped too tightly, to being a horse for hire and a cab-horse on the cold streets of London. Beauty faces an uncertain future, and he can only wonder with fear what will become of him. Read this moving story to find out what happens to Beauty in the end.

Features of this edition:

  • adapted for children aged 9 and above
  • an introduction
  • notes and comprehension questions

Price: $8 AU (approx. $7.20 US) | Download a Sample [PDF, 60 KB]

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Also available as a printed booklet.

Book Information

36 pages | 9730 words | File size: 530 KB

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